Filmmaker Karan Johar has apologized profusely for showing insensitivity in trying times like this global pandemic, through his social media posts. His reaction came after he shared a video of Australian comedian Greta Lee Jackson’s parody video of normal people—where medical professionals were working round the clock to a man asking for a decrease in his rent after being left homeless. This came after celebrities were posting videos from their comfortable homes.
The video also called out Ellen DeGeneres for “broadcasting from her mansion”, Australian news anchor Samantha Armytage for saying, “we are all in this together” from his property, among others. The video ended with the quote, “We are so glad you are ok. You are the true heroes. Give us your money.”
After watching the video, Karan Johar took to Twitter on Sunday to apologize. “This hit me hard and I have realised many of my posts may have been insensitive to many. I apologise profusely and wish to add none of it was intentional and came from a place of sharing but clearly may have lacked emotional foresight. I am sorry,” he added.
This hit me hard and I have realised many of my posts may have been insensitive to many...I apologise profusely and wish to add none of it was intentional and came from a place of sharing but clearly may have lacked emotional foresight sorry!????❤️
— Karan Johar (@karanjohar) April 25, 2020
Karan Johar has been uploading videos with his family including his twins Roohi and Yash amid lockdown!
ALSO READ: Watch: Karan Johar’s children think he resembles an elephant!
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